541-673-7867 or 1-800-464-6543

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Join Our Team

Explore current opportunities for employment with Peace at Home.

Crisis Line Specialist


The Crisis Line Specialist is stationed at the public office and shelter office and is responsible for providing crisis response to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking by providing high quality customer service, support, and work closely with other professionals (e.g. medical personnel, law enforcement). This position requires weekly evening and weekend shifts to answer and respond to 24/7 Hotline calls.

Sexual Assault Services Supervisor


The Sexual Assault Services Supervisor is a professional position stationed at the organization’s public office and is primarily responsible for providing coordination of services and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault (SA) and human trafficking (HT).  The Sexual Assault Services Supervisor is responsible for direct client services, program and community partnership development, facilitation of DC-SART, training and supervision of sexual assault advocates, and duties

involving resources, program assessments, and reporting outcomes.


The Shelter Advocate is primarily stationed at the shelter and responsible for providing support and assistance to individuals and families who are participating in the shelter program. This position additionally supports the Domestic Violence (DV) response team.

Volunteer - Unpaid Positions

Great work experience. Build your resume.

For more information contact melanie@peaceathome.com